Churchgate to Dahanu train timetable

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Churchgate to Dahanu : 124 km
Station Code  Dahanu Rd : DN
Travel Time: 2.50 min
Stations after Virar : Vaitarna, Saphale, Kelve Road, Palghar, Umroli, Boisar, Vangaon, Dahanu Road

Churchgate to Dahanu Road station  trains

Churchgate to Dahanu time  : 5.24 am, 10.06 am, 3.22 pm
Dadar to Dahanu time : 5.15 am, 4.55 pm, 6 pm
Borivli to Dahanu time : 7.57am, 10.31am

Dahanu Road to Churchgate Trains

Dahanu to Churchgate time : 7.15am, 12.42pm, 5.35pm, 6.55pm
Dahanu to Dadar time: 2.15 pm, 3.25 pm, 7.45 pm
Dahanu to Borivli time : 5.50am, 8.30am

Virar to Dahanu Local timings: 4.25 am, 5 am, 12.15 pm, 3.05 pm

Dahanu to Virar Local timings: 10.05 am, 1.25 pm, 8.45 pm

11 thoughts on “Churchgate to Dahanu train timetable”

  1. Please start regular superfast local from boisar as it is an industrial area their should be an stopage of superfast trains like garibrath august kranti shatbdi etc also
    (Churcgate to Boisar Super Fast local Trains

  2. Please start regular superfast local from boisar as it is an industrial area their should be an stopage of superfast trains like garibrath august kranti shatbdi etc also
    (Churcgate to Boisar Super Fast local Trains

  3. Please start Dahanuboisar for churchgate fast train between 5.55am, 600am (after panvel 5.50am and before 6.13am) or after 6.15am we all are not able to arrive ADHBandraDadar Churchgate….those who wants to go for job in mumbai are suffering a lots of trubles….

  4. Start Dahanu local from Andheri at 6.30am – 6.45am in morning from andheri to boisar (Dahanu).
    it shall be convenient for most of us.

  5. Why dahanu up and down local trains are provided stop at bhayendar and virar. Is tgis trains are started for dahanu, palghar, boisar peoples or for bhayendar and virar peoples.

  6. I Saw may comment about mail train and they r right palghar or boisar should have stopping every train it make sense and need some double fast local for who stay beyond virar eg church gate Mumbai central dadar bandra Andheri borival vasia Rd virar after wards slow so people can give their time to job and family


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